Jadu Fellowship Week 1

Nabila Zahra
2 min readFeb 15, 2021


The fellowship began with introductions to the amazing mentors that will be teaching the skills. We are divided into tribes so I had a chat with my tribe members as well over discord. We also made our account on GitHub; https://github.com/nabilazahraa. And I learnt about the importance of showcasing your work online and making e-portfolios. I also learnt that I should keep expanding my network. We went over the curriculum of the fellowship and I’m excited to learn all of it. After the introductions, I was introduced to the following concepts;

Introduction to Internet and How web works:

The Internet consists of millions of nodes which are connected to each other and each has a unique IP. The web works when you browse a URL, the browser sends a request then the DNS lookup checks for the IP of the website and forwards the request to the server and the server sends back a response to the browser which loads the website. The web technologies are divided into 3 categories: Front End, Back End, and Database.

Front End:

The front end of a website is what you see and interact with on your browser.

The main languages for front end development are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. HTML creates and organizes web content so that it can be displayed by a browser. CSS styles the website content such as colours, layout and fonts. JavaScript is a programming language that is used for more interactive elements. The technologies used in front end are ReactJs, Angular, Bootstrap etc.

Back End:

The Back end is the server side and its code is not accessible by the user. It is responsible for storing and organizing data. The back end languages are PHP, Ruby on rails, Python. The technologies used are Nodejs and Django.


Database is a systematic collection of data. The technologies for it are mongoDB, couchDB and MySQL.

What I learnt outside class?

Aside from the classes, I spent my time learning JavaScript from https://www.codecademy.com/. I learnt about conditional statements and different kinds of functions in JS.

