Jadu Week 3

Nabila Zahra
2 min readFeb 27, 2021



Cascading Stylesheet (CSS) helps to style a page and make it look presentable. There are three types of CSS:
1. Inline
2. In page/Internal
3. Out page/External
The best method is Out page as it makes a dedicated file for the code and its easy to apply it to all html pages.

In two classes, we covered the following properties:

  • Colors
  • Background
  • External Fonts
  • Font Styling
  • Font Size
  • Developer Tool CSS
  • Margins & Paddings
  • Border
  • Box Modelling
  • ID Selector
  • Class Selector
  • Input Fields (hover, active …)

I’m excited to learn how to make a better website using these tools.

Growth Mindset

Sir Saad Hamid’s sessions always start with reflection activities and polls which are really interesting and fun. His soft skills classes hold so much importance as it really affects the way you think and broadens your mind. I love that Jadu has included these soft skills classes in this program as they really change the meaning of this whole program.

A growth mindset is basically having a mindset that is interested in learning and believes that through learning they can achieve more. It’s very important to have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset as it helps you to continue to grow and evolve. A growth mindset also continues to motivate and inspire you as it helps you to accomplish more in life. Our focus in life should be on our efforts, improvements due to practice, learning from mistakes and looking at situations as challenges to accomplish.

Sir Saad suggested to focus on 3 things at a time in your life for learning till the age of 30. I feel that life is too chaotic and everyone seems to be rushing for the next big thing that you lose focus. I’ll try on focusing on a few things at a time and see how it goes. This class gave me some motivation to change my mindset and not worry about the amount of things that need to be done instead focus and take each difficulty as a challenge and overcome it.

